Thursday, May 15, 2008

Day 5: It's a small world after all

We had several goals starting this trip. One of which was to find the high school sweetheart of our head coach , Jules. She last had contact with the elusive sweetheart five years ago when she received an email from him stating that he now was living in Amsterdam and working for a multinational oil company. And when she found out that she was coming to Amsterdam she tried to locate the elusive sweet heart herself, using all of her technological expertise. She failed as you may have guessed. So she gave this task to the computer generation.

At the US Consulate, she asked the Vice Consul of Immigration and American Services if he knew all the Americans in Amsterdam because she was looking for her elusive high school sweetheart. Just so you know her sweetheart has a very unique first and last name, which are being hidden to protect the innocent. The Vice Consul said he knew a lot of Americans but could not divulge that information to protect the innocent again.

A few nights later, Ines, our resident people finder/cyberstalker decided to take on the task. With about 30 seconds, which included turning the computer on, she found the elusive sweetheart, pictures, phone number, email, and children's name. Wow, Google really is amazing. When asked again Julie steadfastly denied the allegations that she had spent no time looking for the elusive high school sweetheart. She has now spent the last 45 minutes talking to the elusive high school sweetheart who turns out to be a baseball coach in the Netherlands. It turns out both coach non traditional sports in their countries of residence.

Soulmates or not you decide. Task accomplished

Half of the Tulip Crew

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